AMC Theatres Survey at – Win Gift Card

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If you have use the service of AMC Cinema as per recent, then chance is, you are eligible to join AMC Theatres survey. This survey is held online to collect the satisfaction ratings from the customers via If you decide join in, then you will have a chance to win special prize as you are automatically enter the conducted sweepstake by the company.

For those who want to take a part in this survey and provide your response as AMC customer, then you may read further details about it below. Here in this article, you will read more information about what the survey is what are the rules and requirements, and what the steps you have to take to participate properly.

What Is the AMC Theatres Survey?

AMC Theatres Survey

AMC Theatres survey is developed and conducted by AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. AMC is a terms that stands for American Multi-Cinema, and as the name implies, it is a movie theatre chain based in America, with a headquarter office located in Leawood, Kansas. It is one of the largest chains of movie theatre globally and it owns the largest share in the industry of theatre in the United States, even since it was established in 1920.

In order to make improvements of its offered service, the company holds an online based survey called AMC Theatres survey, where the feedbacks from AMC customers are gathered. Through this survey, you’d be able to rate the services according to your personal satisfaction level. In order to be considered eligible to join the survey, you need to retain your AMC ticket with theatre ID. More details about the requirements are explained below.

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AMC Experience Survey Rewards

As one of the AMC Theatres survey participants, you will be able to join a sweepstake that offers a prize of $100 gift card for the reward of providing your responses.

AMC Experience Survey Rewards

Tellamc Survey Rules

  • A legal resident of the United States of America.
  • At majority of age (18 years or above) by the entry time.
  • No purchase is necessary to make to join.
  • The employees of AMC Theatres are not allowed to participate and enter the sweepstake.

AMC Theatres Online Survey Requirements

  • English understanding.
  • Compatible device with connection to the internet.
  • Your AMC Theatres Movie ticket.

AMC Theatres Survey at

  • Go to the AMC Theatres survey site address at
  • Type in the required information as written on your movie ticket that includes your visit date, your theatre unit, and your survey access code.
  • Tap ‘Start’ menu to begin.AMC Theatres Survey at
  • Provide your response over the items on the questionnaire according to your experience of watching movie at AMC Theatres and complete all the questions.
  • Provide your data information as required to participate in the sweepstake afterward.
  • Submit your response and get your opportunity to win the $100 gift card through the sweepstake.

AMC Gift Card Survey Reference Links

As one of the most prominent players in the industry of movie exhibition company not only in the United States, but also in the whole world, AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. always seeks to create better customer experience. Your contribution to AMC Theatres survey will benefit the company and you as well, as you’ll obtain a chance to win the prize of the sweepstake.